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Monday 9 April 2012

Bhaaa Lamaa Tia update !

Tuukeiiii nee kali laaa...my aim was to update once in a month but i didnt post anything last month....wakakakak....its the most challenging month ever (kinda)....a lots of assignments to be submitted, practical test for Pendidikan Jasmani Asas....runs for 2.4 KM....classes from 7 in the morning till almost midnight....wattaaa....well at least im still alive now...haha....which means to say, I DID IT, beacuse its EASTER! hehehe...BTW Have a Blessed Easter to All! huhuhu proud of myself....wakakakak...yet there's still a lot of work to be done....want some examples?.....Language Camp, MQA Files, and another assignments....plus the Mock Exam...hahaa...thiss semmm aaa...Y U NOT EJJI ?! but now im trying MY VERY BESTEST to be optimist in everything....All i want is just to end up all of this shit(hahah sitagaa ilmu baiiniii)...hahaa...tidaaaa bhaa...i just want to finish up all of my works, then focus on my revision for the exam, and then, HOLIDAY!!!!!.....hahaha...in other words, I JUST WANT THIS SEMESTER ENDS FASTER!! because I cant wait for the mid-year break! hahaha...i've already made an event for my friends and myself as well....hahaha....i just cant wait....pleaseee MAY, come to papa ! Papa miss u !


  1. kik^^ sabar seja... gitu la 2 di Ip^^

  2. yalaa ketii...huhuhu..penatt gilaa ehh...tiapa...yg pinting mau dakat sda cuti........
